Blog entry by Kevin Davidkin

Picture of Kevin Davidkin
by Kevin Davidkin - Tuesday, 8 February 2022, 3:09 AM
Anyone in the world

 Ability to enjoy the cup of coffee each morning. What happens to your lifestyle when you reach your goals in business through art?


 Instead of setting goals for the whole year, set quarterly goals.

 Many career or life coaches suggest that you create your goals around the "aspirational Word of the Year".

 "ambition", "organized", "bold", "experimental"--anything you want to cultivate in your upcoming year. The word "ambition" will become the central base from which the other terms can be drawn from.

 Follow your goals and intentions.

 It is difficult to pick one word or goal for all of the year. Artist-entrepreneurs know that there are seasons for their business. There are different seasons

 There will be different "vision words" and goals. The start of each year is different from the festive season, the work and art fair seasons.

 Forget about a time of renewal and rest.

 Your goals and vision word shouldn't change through the course of the year. This could lead to misalignment with the overall vision. Setting monthly goals as well as setting a target for the year.

 It is possible to align your goals more effectively as an artist and entrepreneur by using different words each quarter. It is also possible to break down your objectives into quarters.

 Focus on one part of your company at once and adjust accordingly for the time of year.

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 Do a goal check against your "why"

 A motivational reason is more effective than a list or goal for revenue. Consider why it is that you are aiming for a total of ten million dollars in art sales this year.

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 Almost all of the time financial goals are just stepping steps to reach a lifestyle goal. Common questions such as "I would like to bring my children with me" will be discovered by digging into the depths.

 I am on vacation to spend more with them," or "I would like to work on my vision independently," or "I desire to impress by my work."

 The why can be used to help you achieve your goals even when it is difficult.

 Ask yourself questions about your goals you've established. Will the goal help me to realize my business dreams? Is this in line with my overall goals?

 What is your ideal vision for me? Does it align to my quarterly goal words What is the reason I should focus my energy and time on this goal

 These questions can help you determine the goals that really are important. Don't be scared of removing goals that aren't in line with your vision and changing goals.

 once you have established them up.

 Set your goals "smarter"

 Now that you know why you are making a goal and can benefit from your goal-setting process, set higher goals.

 Goals that are achievable and well-thought out are a sure way to achieve them. The goals of SMART can be precise, realizable, realistic, and time-sensitive.

 Specific: Is the objective clear and narrow enough in its scope?

 Measurable: How do you monitor your progress and when you have achieved your goal?

 Attainable: Can this goal be achieved?

 Relevant. Does your goal align to your vision of your business in the field of art, both personally and professionally?