Blog entry by Jason Adams

Anyone in the world

There are several steps you can take to ensure your child's safety on social media. These include monitoring their activity, avoiding speaking to strangers, and setting up a private profile. You should also take the time to educate yourself about how to stay safe on these sites and help your child stay safe.

Monitoring their social media activity

As a parent, it's your duty to monitor your child's social media activities to protect them and set appropriate boundaries. This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to read everything that your child posts, but you can check what they're posting and what they're interested in. You can also monitor their friends' posts, so you can understand what they're doing online.

Another way to protect your child's safety is to monitor the privacy settings of their accounts. While most users aren't aware of these options, it's important to use them. You can also make sure your child is not posting offensive or embarrassing content or writing false information about other people. In addition, you can create a contract with your child to set rules for their social media activity. This contract can be an excellent way to regulate your child's online activity and help them develop good internet habits. Another way to control child's social media is phone trackers. Read more about it at

Avoiding speaking to strangers on social media

One of the best ways to ensure your child's safety online is to avoid talking to strangers. This goes for chat rooms, emails, and instant messages. If you see an adult or child making your child feel uncomfortable, tell them to report the conversation to you. Your child should also avoid befriending strangers.

To make sure your child's safety, you must set strict rules and restrictions regarding their access to social media. For example, make sure they are not allowed to view photos of strangers. Also, make sure their background is not filled with street addresses, expensive items, or information about their upcoming vacation. It is also important to stay involved in your child's online activities.

Educating yourself on ways to stay safe on social media

Social media interactions can be harmless on the surface, but they can expose you to potential threats such as identity thieves, stalkers, and hacker attacks. To stay safe, learn to filter your content and report suspicious activities. You can even block certain people and pages from your profile.

The main rule of social media safety is to only add friends and people you know. Do not add strangers or anyone you don't know - this will limit your risks of being scammed. You should also never meet up with people you don't know and always tell an adult if you're going somewhere. There have been cases where children have been tricked into meeting adult predators who later do harm.

Setting up a private profile for your child

Parents should set up a private profile for their children on social media sites, which limits the amount of information that strangers can see about them. It is also important to talk to your children about who they can accept friend requests from. Your child should not post any personal details on the social media site, especially their real names. This will keep them safe and keep them from posting anything they don't want others to see.

Parents should always be vigilant in monitoring their children's social media activity. These sites are popular places to post personal information and may target children. To avoid this, parents should watch their children's posts and use parental blocks or content filters to prevent inappropriate content.