User blog: Kevin Davidkin

Picture of Kevin Davidkin
by Kevin Davidkin - Saturday, January 29, 2022, 6:21 AM
Anyone in the world

 CRM lets you automate your tasks rapidfatburns rapid fat burns 

 When you register a sale the system automatically classifies the buyer to be a "Client". This allows you to sort through your contacts by who has

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 have purchased your work in the past and then quickly write messages to entire groups of customers.

 Knowing which contacts have purchased work is crucial information. This will help you decide what the next steps are to take. rockmeafrica rock me africa Website 

 Increase sales. You can increase your effectiveness in marketing and outreach by segmenting your contacts. savingslaunch savings launch Website 

 A good integrated CRM can help you build new connections and build on existing ones. singinglikepro singing like pro Website

 Less time spent searching for vital information and more time in the studio spending time doing things you enjoy.


Picture of Kevin Davidkin
by Kevin Davidkin - Saturday, January 29, 2022, 3:32 AM
Anyone in the world

Here & There Here & There ArtisTTable Landscape Show mixturesport mixture sport Website 

ArtisTTable invites artists to apply to be part of an online art show beginning on November 1, 2021 through January 10, 2022. For more details about the awards, please see the prospectus. Here and there is


The 42nd Art Exhibition of ArtisTTable. All artists are welcome to submit their work. You are allowed to send up to five works of work

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by paying the with your entry fee of $25. For more information, please refer to the prospectus


WHO: International; Craft/Traditional Arts, Photography, Drawing, Film/Video/New Media, Mixed-Media/Multi-Discipline, Painting, Sculpture new-acne-treatment new acne treatment Website 

Build a Better Budget for your Art Business


By establishing and adhering to your budget, you will be able to take control of your finances and plan for the future with confidence. openunlock open unlock Website 

It is important to understand what you make and where that comes from. It's not difficult however, it's not that simple.


You can reduce the cost of your living by adding them up and subtracting your earnings.


Accounting may seem daunting or boring? We have simple budgeting worksheets that are easy to use for artists that can help you get started. paydayloanslowdown payday loan slow down Website

These worksheets were created to assist you tally up the income generated from your art business and to understand your overall expenses. Even if you don't have an art business,


Income coming from non-art sources? Start by adding the earnings from all your workshops, sales of art, and fees.



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Picture of Kevin Davidkin
by Kevin Davidkin - Thursday, January 27, 2022, 7:07 AM
Anyone in the world

 Sale of artworks from the participants. The Oregonian, South Sound magazine and the Seattle Times have published articles about previous exhibitions. deluxe-interior Website 

 Here and there - ArtisTTable Landscape Show

 ArtisTTable invites artists to submit applications for an online art exhibit beginning on November 1, 2021, until January 10, 2022. Check out the prospectus for award information. Here and There

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 The 42nd ArtisTTable online art exhibit. The theme of this all-media exhibit is "The Landscape" which is open to all forms of art. You are allowed to send up to five pieces of work

 by paying the with your entry fee of $25. For more information, refer to the prospectus

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 WHO: International; Craft/Traditional Arts, Photography, Drawing, Film/Video/New Media, Mixed-Media/Multi-Discipline, Painting, Sculpture

 Create a better budget for Your Art Business

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 Creating and sticking to a budget will allow you to manage your finances in the future and plan for success. furniture scam Website iwantoo iwantoo Website

 For a budget to be made, you need to know your net income and your sources of income. This is an easy but important step.


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Picture of Kevin Davidkin
by Kevin Davidkin - Thursday, January 27, 2022, 6:29 AM
Anyone in the world

 Sculpture Park, Port Angeles, WA. The existing pieces will be reviewed, and a plan for new works. automatedmoneynow Website automated money now 

 All artists and artist teams located within the United States are welcome to apply. Artist teams, please designate one primary contact person for your group.

 WHO: National, Sculpturemust make use of light as the primary design element bestsoccertop Website best soccer top 

 Picking up the Pieces - Collage Artists of America's Annual Juried International Open Virtual Exhibit

 Collage Artists of America, (CAA) will accept entries for "Picking-up the Pieces" A biennial Juried International Open Exhibit.

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 November 1, 30, and 2021. We invite artists to take this chance to display their collage skills while reflecting on the past 12 months and taking a look ahead.

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 CAA is a non-profit, unincorporated group that was established in 1988, and is managed by nine Los Angeles-area female artists. The meetings are held every day of the year.


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Picture of Kevin Davidkin
by Kevin Davidkin - Thursday, January 27, 2022, 5:01 AM
Anyone in the world

 WHO is an International Organization (only United States, Canada) aged 18 or older. Accepted media: Photography, Craft/Traditional Arts. Drawing. Film/Video/New dailyinsurancestudy Website daily insurance study 

 Media, Mixed-Media/Multi-Discipline, Painting, Sculpture

 Contemporary Art Gallery Online Issues an International Call for Artists To Participate In The 8th Annual 2021"ALL Animal” Art Competition. autospeedy Website auto speedy advisorauto 


 Contemporary Art Gallery Online opened the "ALL Animal" Art Competition & Exhibition. Entries are accepted from September 6th 2021 until October

 3rd, 2021. Contemporary Art Gallery Online welcomes submissions from any 2D or 3D artists, regardless of their educational background. A Website advisor auto awarefitness Website 

 Online exhibition will be available for all submissions from October 6th to November 2, 2021. Artists are required to submit their best work, whether representational or not.

 Representational Art. This competition will be judged across three categories: Paintings/Drawings Photography/Digital Art and Mixed Media/3.

 Dimensional Art. Competition Results posted: October 18th, 2021.

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 Fee: $15 up to three images; $25 to up to five images; and $35 for up to eight images.
