User blog: Kevin Davidkin
They are more inclined to view the work as their own.
It's recommended to choose the right carrier. Artnet was approached by Laura Doyle of Chubb Insurance as an expert for fine art.
Customers are frequently asked how to ship an object. We always recommend that the truck has GPS as well as climate and security controls, as well as two drivers. Additionally, we advise
"The truck should be able to, if it is possible, follow a straight non-stop route." Get in touch with the shipping firm or ask the gallery to confirm these information.
These should be confirmed immediately. It is a good practice to have an official paper trail.
Refuse delivery
You can refuse to accept a shipment company's crate when the crate arrives at your house clear of damage during the transportation.
delivery. The shipping company and shipper will be able to decide (i.e. the gallery that arranged shipping) will have to determine the next steps.
Take immediate action to solve the issue.
Accepting delivery with damaged containers is a negative choice.
you can inspect the crate/box/tube you can inspect the crate, box, etc. Before you sign off, inspect the crate/box/tube. If you are unable or unable to be present or sign off on a crate, obvious damage is removed.
Don't be concerned even if you're not there yet. There are ways you can protect your investment.
Take pictures of everything, even if it isn't obvious.
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Documentation is vital to show the extent of the damage prior to it reaching your residence. With cell phone cameras being ubiquitous, it is easy to determine what the damage was.
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and videos, it's recommended to simply record the entire process of delivery and the entire process, which includes opening the crate, taking off the artwork and examining it for any damage.
Take photos of any damage, and add an indication of the scale, like measuring tapes, pencils or even your finger.
finger). A few minor damages can occur simply because of human mistakes. However it isn't necessary to accept a less than perfect artwork.
The piece was in mint condition upon purchase.
Be sure to keep the packaging materials
Certain packing materials could cause more harm than good particularly if they are improperly deployed. A painting wrapped with
The bubbles that face in, even without a layer of plastic sheeting, can cause holes in your painting's surface. This is because art was
The company that shipped the item or the gallery staffer may have wrapped the item in a way that is not correct.
This is why it's so important to photograph the method of packing before wrapping any artwork. Was the artwork protected adequately? protection around the corners? Often,
If the artwork is not handled correctly the artwork may break or show indications of cracking or dinging. This is especially true for mediums which have weak edges.
Ability to enjoy the cup of coffee each morning. What happens to your lifestyle when you reach your goals in business through art?
Instead of setting goals for the whole year, set quarterly goals.
Many career or life coaches suggest that you create your goals around the "aspirational Word of the Year".
"ambition", "organized", "bold", "experimental"--anything you want to cultivate in your upcoming year. The word "ambition" will become the central base from which the other terms can be drawn from.
Follow your goals and intentions.
It is difficult to pick one word or goal for all of the year. Artist-entrepreneurs know that there are seasons for their business. There are different seasons
There will be different "vision words" and goals. The start of each year is different from the festive season, the work and art fair seasons.
Forget about a time of renewal and rest.
Your goals and vision word shouldn't change through the course of the year. This could lead to misalignment with the overall vision. Setting monthly goals as well as setting a target for the year.
It is possible to align your goals more effectively as an artist and entrepreneur by using different words each quarter. It is also possible to break down your objectives into quarters.
Focus on one part of your company at once and adjust accordingly for the time of year.
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Do a goal check against your "why"
A motivational reason is more effective than a list or goal for revenue. Consider why it is that you are aiming for a total of ten million dollars in art sales this year.
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Almost all of the time financial goals are just stepping steps to reach a lifestyle goal. Common questions such as "I would like to bring my children with me" will be discovered by digging into the depths.
I am on vacation to spend more with them," or "I would like to work on my vision independently," or "I desire to impress by my work."
The why can be used to help you achieve your goals even when it is difficult.
Ask yourself questions about your goals you've established. Will the goal help me to realize my business dreams? Is this in line with my overall goals?
What is your ideal vision for me? Does it align to my quarterly goal words What is the reason I should focus my energy and time on this goal
These questions can help you determine the goals that really are important. Don't be scared of removing goals that aren't in line with your vision and changing goals.
once you have established them up.
Set your goals "smarter"
Now that you know why you are making a goal and can benefit from your goal-setting process, set higher goals.
Goals that are achievable and well-thought out are a sure way to achieve them. The goals of SMART can be precise, realizable, realistic, and time-sensitive.
Specific: Is the objective clear and narrow enough in its scope?
Measurable: How do you monitor your progress and when you have achieved your goal?
Attainable: Can this goal be achieved?
Relevant. Does your goal align to your vision of your business in the field of art, both personally and professionally?
What happens when you get the work delivered to your home in a crate that has an enormous gap? weddingup wedding up Website
The end of an artwork purchased from a gallery is not the end of the story. It has been taken from the studio of the artist to the gallery (or art fair) where it was
Once the piece has been put in place, it is now able to be displayed and purchased by you or the buyer. No matter what quality the shipping company used to transport the piece, joyfulwedding joyful wedding Website
Every art piece is a wager on fate and circumstance.
Make sure to insure your work while it is being transported. Be sure to select a reliable carrier
It's recommended to discuss all shipping details prior to purchase, or at minimum, prior to the date of the sale. If you are the buyer paying shipping costs, finallaw final law Website
So that you can keep a record of your visit make sure the gallery has all of the details.
Ask the dealer to include in the invoice a line that reads "Work will ship in a box with a shadow cover and will be crated."
The completed work is then placed in a cardboard box. This will be evidence that the rules were not correctly implemented.
Another best practice is to always pay for "insurance-while-in-transit" through the shipping company itself, which they will apply to the bill and which is
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The value of the artwork is typically the basis of the cost. The shipping company may use its own insurance policy to cover artworks in transit to cover the cost of shipping. They are usually generally more
Tend to treat artwork as if it was their own. lawsure law sure Website
It's recommended to choose the right carrier. Artnet was approached by Laura Doyle of Chubb Insurance as an expert for fine art.
One of the challenges when you are an entrepreneur with a flair for creativity is that you have many different tasks. You have to manage the bookkeeping, marketing, and the loanproof loan proof Website
Administrative stuff, shipping, archiving, and, of course, the actual production. After all of this, it's easy to understand why it's hard to even feel.
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Do's and don'ts to consider when beginning an art collection
Do: Determine your priorities
Is it to buy an artwork for a specific purpose? Is it to fill a wall space at home or in an office? Are you planning to make an investment in the artwork? Or like travel Website weddinghappy
Many collectors get smitten by art or the story behind a piece of art There are many other elements that can be at play. It's fine.
The artwork you purchase should reflect your individual circumstances. Don't feel pressured to buy anything that doesn't completely connect with you.
An art advisor may make sense when you're looking to acquire major works that will appreciate in worth.
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Making use of their connections to the art world. Identifying what is most important to you will save you stress down the line and allow you to focus on
the things that matter to you, and disregard those things that aren't important.
Limit your printing options to only single prints and multiple prints.
There is a consensus that purchasing multiples of prints is the most effective way to start building a collection of art. However, this advice is rather short-sighted.
Prints of famous artists could be a way of boasting ("I own an original Picasso"), etc. However, there are plenty of artists with original ideas.
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Do not allow your business associates to conduct business with any nefarious actors that may be subject of governmental sanctions.
The art industry was previously not regulated. It has become a hotbed for money laundering. Europe enacted businessdiscuss business discuss Website
its anti-money-laundering directive in 2020 (known as the AMLD5), but tightened restrictions are also in the works for the U.S. art industry, which is still the
the world's biggest art market.
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Back up your data
Prevent data loss by routinely backup your files to external hard drives. This is the best way to protect both you and your company from ransomware
attacks. According to the U.S. government website Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security, (CISA), Ransomware "is an ever-evolving kind of malware."
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designed to encrypt the files on a device. It renders all files and the systems that depend upon them unusable. Criminals will demand ransom for the keys.
You may be thinking "But you're just me and my intern!" It is unlikely that a sole proprietor would be an ideal potential target.
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The attacks of ransomware are comparable to phishing and credential thieves. This is due to the fact that the work of a pandemic is often far away.
Everyone is a potential target.
Metadata that tracks the exact location of our permanent collections pieces as well as the length of time they were displayed at a given place. We didn't. loanfund loan fund Website
TJ Hilton is Austin Community College's coordinator for exhibitions. "We do not have an outside management program for this," he says. "Spreadsheets are helpful,
He adds that data embedded in images are less likely to be overlooked or ignored.
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Before you begin the process of creating metadata for your photos It is recommended to take notes of the details you'll include in order to be able to
standardize your data. "Some information we include in metadata include artist and contact information, medium, dimensions conditions, faculty, and the date. trip any thing Website trywedding
To include metadata into your photos, you must follow the instructions below.
Create metadata on your PC
Right-click on the image and choose "Properties"
In the window that appears, you can change the file name or add tags, type in a description, etc.
Make metadata available on your Mac
Open "Photos" Double-click any image to view it. try wedding Website allowlaw allow law Website
Click the "Info" button on the toolbar.
Now you can edit any of the following:
Tips to quickly add titles to photos directly within the main Photos window, choose: View > Titles > Metadata, then click the title field which appears beneath the photo, and click it when
You can move your mouse around it and type a name.
You can use the same keywords across all your images. This will help standardize your data.
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She also equates the rise in problems with passwords to poor hygiene of passwords. Here are some suggestions and best practices to ensure that your passwords are safe.
Use different passwords for your various accounts
Hackers are more likely to gain access the most sensitive accounts you are using a single password across all the accounts. This applies to social and online banking, as also online banking. provide insurance Website finaltravel
Data in case of data leaks or breach on a particular platform. Hackers have it harder than ever before to steal your password.
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA)
Two-factor authentication is the best method to secure your login credentials.
Assign various users different permissions
Create an administrative level model that can manage several accounts. This ensures that only a select group of users are able to access your most sensitive information.
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information. The most important information you have.
Even if the assistant hacks the network, important information will remain safe.
Artwork Archive offers the possibility to join users to our Artist Master, Collector Premier and all Organization-level accounts. Multi-user
Artwork Archive accounts allow you to give "view only permissions" to your team. Find out more about the other users
Click here to ask permissions
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Print out the list of your passwords for safe-keeping
If your credentials are compromised and you lose access to an important account, having a printed-out list of your previous passwords is a good idea.
How do you include metadata in your photo files
Metadata for images can be used to prevent digital photos of your artwork being misrepresented. Metadata is a way to enhance images more. whatloan what loan Website
easily searched across the web and easily found -- rather than images without metadata.
Metadata is simply, data about information. Metadata is a way to include important information, like copyright notices.
Information about the author, including date(s), place(s), and descriptions.
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Professional collection managers, registrars and other industry experts recommend that these details be embedded in archival photos.
It's a simple procedure that can aid you in protecting your data and your intellectual property. This is also an important part in cataloguing your artwork.
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Artwork Archive recognizes the importance of metadata. Artwork Archive keeps metadata intact when you upload images to Artwork Archive.
The metadata renaissance has begun
The field continues to expand and develop, digital humanities is witnessing more archives of institutions being digitalized and made available online.
This is a significant advancement in the field of academic research.
Louvre has published more than 400,000 works electronically earlier this year. But, this trend has been at the forefront of museum nice wedding Website lawhelps law helps Website
The platform has been in development for a long time. Creative, in partnership with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, created an Open Access platform for their Open Access platform in 2017.
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Do: Request a condition report
You can request a condition report from any gallery, auction house, or directly from an art dealer.
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Particularly for historical works which belong to the "secondary market"
Although there isn't a universal model for reports on condition, there are some general standards. A diagram of an example is provided in a lot of condition reports. whynotdownload why not download Website
The artwork is accompanied by notes of any marks, scratches, knicks, or tears. Here's an example of a condition report from Georgia O'Keeffe.
Depending on the price of the item, it may make sense to hire a neutral third party to prepare the condition report. weddingonly wedding only Website
You will probably pay for the service.
Art collectors with an Artwork Archive Premier Collector plan can digitally store the condition reports for their art pieces using the "additional files"
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Don't assume that the work is authenticated by the artist.
To reach our goals, we frequently have to work 12 hours a day. This isn't sustainable long-term. You can only turn down an invitation to dinner or coffee skincarezine skin care zine Website social-contest
It's impossible to sacrifice your family and friends in favor of your job over a long period of time without affecting your relationships and your overall health.
Being an entrepreneur with a flair for creativity can be difficult because you are juggling so many tasks. Marketing, bookkeeping, and accounting are all your obligations. social contest Website thatshortguy that short guy
There are administrative duties, shipping, archiving and then there is the actual production. It's easy to understand the reason why it can be so hard to even feel after all of that.
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Dos and Don'ts of Starting an Art Collection
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Do: Determine your priorities
Why are you looking to purchase artwork? Are you seeking an opportunity to add some style to your office or home? Do you want to use the art as an investment? Or
Maybe you can have a bit of both? topentertainmentblog top entertainment blog Website
Many collectors report simply falling in love with an artist or the meaning behind the piece, however there can be other factors that are at play, and that's fine.
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