Online After School Classes

Edison Robotics Los Banos USD March 13-May 26, 2023, Mo/Fri 4:30-5:30PM PST

Welcome to Edison Robotics, powered by Creative Brain!

We welcome Los Banos Junior High Students to EDISON ROBOTICS!


Mondays and Fridays: 4:30-5:30pm.
Classes begin Monday, March 13, 2023 and will end Friday, May 26, 2023.
No Classes: April 3, April 7, April 10, May 5 and May 29. 

Below you will find important information and links to participate in this Live Virtual Class. The zoom link for the entire duration of the class is the same and can be found below.

We hope you enjoy Edison Robotics, powered by Creative Brain Learning!

 Los Banos USD Edison Robotics Zoom Session 3/13-5/26/2023 4:30-5:30PM PST


 EdBlocks Activities Student Workbook
 Bar Codes and Edison
 Edison Robot Barcode List
 Edison Acceleration Calibration Barcode

When Edison does not drive as expected, you may use this barcode to recalibrate the robot.

Edison Robotics: Explore, Build, Create and More!
 Introduction to ROBOTICS

  • What is Robotics?
  • Types of Robots
  • Advanced AI Robots


  • Introduction to the Edison Robot
  • Parts of the Bot
  • Inputs and Sensors

 Programming Edison with Barcodes

  • How to use barcodes with the Edison Bot
  • Using Barcodes to program Edison's behavior
  • Exploring a wide range of behavior controls with Barcodes

Programming your Edison Bot

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